- robot, sensor, servo, feed-back and motor cables for drag chains applications
- machine tools for textile, wood, glass, marble and metalworking industry.
- trolley applications, single, double, triple decker springer buffer, torque controlle motorized reeling, column collectors drums.
- festoons applications, lifts, hoists, cranes, coveyor facilities, combi-basket lift cables.
Flexible shielded control and power cables for carrier chains, fast movement, long travel distances - good EMC features
For permanent flexible applications in movable automated machinery parts, machine tools, robots. Long life cycle, high resistance to mechanical stress, cutting and crushing. Suitable for use in applications with presence of pulsed and high-frequency interference signals

extremely robust series control cables, tear-notch-abrasion-crushing -oils and coolant liquids resistant. Shielded for good EMC features
Suitable for outdoor uses, in critical areas such as rolling mills, steel mills, machinery tooling and plant constructions. Mineral oils and coolant emulsion resistant, excellent features: high abrasion, tear, notch resistance, also in humid and wet environments. Suitable for use in applications with presence of pulsed and high-frequency interference signals

Hight-Flexible shielded power supply cables for use in medium speed-distances and mechanical stess in drag chains - good EMC features
To power/control engines of medium speed moving machines and with moderated mechanical stress. Satisfactory life cycle (5 millions cycles). Good resistance to mechanical stress, cutting and crushing. Good reaction to interference signals caused by variable magnetic fields (frequency-power).

Servomotor cables
servomotor cables supply connection (SIEMENS 6FX-5008/8008/ BOSCH REX.ROT INDRAMAT-LENZE-SEW..EURODRIVE) for frequency converters. The double shield ensures electromagnetic compatibility in facilities with operating equipment where electromagnetic fields cause adverse effects on surroundings.

Hybrid-Servomotor cables
the power supply conductors are properly combined with the control conductors for the brake function and the transmission of the Sick Hiperface DSLprotocols. The application includes industrial plants, drag chain applications, robots.

high flexibility feedback cables for drag-chains in accordance with SIEMENS, Lenze, Bosch, Rexroth, Fanuc, Heidenhain, Omron Control Thecniques, Rockwell Yasakawa, Schneider-elau B&R. These low capacity incremental (coding) encoders, position feedback, transmit control pulses for positioning and operational characteristics of servo motors and automation control equipment.

Control and power cables for industrial applications
- flexible, multiconductors, unshielded and shielded cables, for control and power applications, for fixed installations, PVC-PVC flame retardant.
- flexible, multiconductors, unshielded and shielded cables, for control and power applications, for fixed installations, halogen-free, flame retardant.
- flexible, multiconductors, unshielded and shielded cables, for control and power applications, insulated and sheathed in thermoset compound "XLPO" "HFFR" halogen-free F.R.

Robotec systems cables
extra flexible cables designed for application in torsion, different axes and anthropomorphic movements control-signal cables for multi-axis robots, handling systems and cable drag chains.
unrescricted outdoor and indoor use, good weather resistance
cable must be laid into the basket in a counter-clockwise direction
special BUS elements for trouble-free data transmission

ROBOT.Control - RBC / ROBOT.Power - RBP
signal-control cables for applications in automatic handling equipment with presence of flex-torsion stresses, with anthropomorphic movements, on multi-axis robots, with mechanical arm, for use on assembly sliding and rotary tables

cables subjected to very high torsional stresses, up to 360°
Flat cables
Hybrid flat cables for industrial automation